The AustWIDE Freight Standard Cubic Conversion is 1 cubic metre = 333 kilograms
Actual Weight = 15kg
Multiply the height x length x width = m3 (cubic measurement)
0.35 x 0.65 x 0.40 = 0.091m3
To convert 0.091m3 to a weight in kilos
multiply 0.091m3 x 333 (standard cubic conversion) = 22.75kg
Therefore 22.75kg is greater than the actual weight of 15kg
Actual Weight = 580kg
multiply the height x length x width = m3 (cubic measurement)
1.60 x 1.30 x 1.40 = 2.912m3
To convert 2.912m3 to a weight in kilos
multiply 2.912m3 x 333 (standard cubic conversion) = 728kg
Therefore 728kg is greater than the actual weight of 580kg
Actual Weight = 450kg
multiply the height x length x width = m3 (cubic measurement)
1.90 x 1.20 x 1.20 = 2.736m3
To convert 2.736m3 to a weight in kilos
multiply 2.736m3 x 333 (standard cubic conversion) = 684kg
Therefore 684kg is greater than the actual weight of 450kg